
Showing posts from December, 2014

Acidic and Alkaline Food Chart

Check out this pH chart to keep a track of your pH levels and try to keep your bodies pH as alkaline as possible by having a balanced diet. Research shows that alkaline state doesn�t support growth of bacteria, virus or cancer cells in the body. #BalancedDiet #FoodChart #HealthyFood #Infographics #pHChart via:

10 Snacks Under 200 Calories with Silk

Check out these 10 afternoon snacks options under 200 calories with silk. #HealthySnacks #LowCalorieFood #SnacksUnder200Calories via:

24 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Check out this handy chart of 24 commonly used/taught Yoga poses and postures for beginners. English Translation and Sanskrit Names 1. Four Limbed Staff Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana 2. Cobra - Bhujangasana 3. Downward Facing Dog -Adho Mukha Svanasana 4. Cat Pose - Marjaryasana 5. Cow Pose -Bitilasana 6. Locust Pose - Padmasana 7. Boat Pose - Navasana 8. Chair Pose -Utkatasana 9. Corpse

15 Superfoods For Weight Loss

Check out these 15 super foods that promote weight loss. #WeightLoss #Superfoods #HealthyFood

Seven Most Alkaline Foods

Check out these seven alkaline foods (Spinach, Kale, Cucumber, Broccoli, Avocado, Celery and Bell peppers) that help in neutralizing bodies acidity. #FoodChart #AlkalineFoods #HealthyFood #BenefitsofVegetables

How to Cut a Recipe in Half

Check out this handy simple guide to split any recipe in half. via: