Doing What I Can With What I Got is Good Enough
Life can have a way of making you feel not good enough. Whether from past circumstances or negative self-talk, it can really be a continual upsetting existence. If you let it... I have struggled with the feelings of not being good enough to understand how destructive it can be to your confidence and well-being. I decided years ago this was no longer going to define me. It was probably one of my healthiest life-changing decisions. Health and fitness require acceptance of who you are now in order to make the changes to become a better you. Your journey can't be about what everyone else is doing and worrying about what they're thinking. What matters is what you're doing to improve your life and how you feel about you. With me? When it comes to fitness and especially workouts, I make them my own. I do what works best for my body and life. My About Me section explains why certain medical issues require modifications to some of my exercises. I worked through lots of emotional a...