Gangrene and your body health
Gangrene is a life threatening conditions that occurs when tissue of the body dies permanently. Causes of gangrene Blood circulation is an important role in the body organism. In the circulation process of blood contains oxygen and nutrients which are delivered power sources of body . The gangrene is caused by loss of blood supply to a body part that can be external: skin, or Internal: organs, muscles. As a result, this area suffers tissue death so there is no longer outstanding. The area affected by gangrene is detected by bluish / black area, fishy smell of the wound and the loss of sensitivity. Any kind of conditions which create obstacles of the blood flow to our body is increases the potential risks for gangrene , also included: Atherosclerosis Diabetes Trauma or injury Peripheral arterial disease Reynaud�s phenomenon Types of gangrene Primarily there are two types of gangrene are seen, those are dry gangrene and wet gangrene . Dry gangrene: It is common ...