Lemon is beneficial for health
There are many foods and natural products that have beneficial properties for the body and the human body. A good example are the lemon s that in addition to providing vitamins and minerals, offers plenty of benefits to health and can be used to alleviate some conditions. In this article we explain in more detail what the benefits of lemon . Like other citrus, lemon is known for its high content of vitamin C, but also contains vitamins A, E, and B group and various minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. This will make lemon s become a great source for the body's defenses that will help prevent disease. The lemon helps to eliminate toxins, and also facilitates the movement of the intestines, helping to regulate traffic. This can be taken every morning a glass of hot water with lemon juice. Furthermore, lemon s are beneficial to blood circulation problems, since the active and improvement. Therefore, it will be appropriate in case of hypertension, varicose veins, h...